Recycling 101
A lot of you might be thinking “I know i'm supposed to be recycling & I throw my cans in the recycling bin but what actually is recycling?”
Recycling is the action or process of converting waste into reusable materials.
There Are 2 Different Types of Recycling:
Closed Loop Recycling is a more sustainable concept. Meaning that when you recycle a material, it can be done an indefinite amount of times without degradation of the properties. Aka when you recycle a material it gets converted back to its raw materials and the same product gets repeated over and over and over.
Open Loop Recycling is any recycling process where the recycled materials get converted into both new raw materials and waste products. Aka the things recycled go on to get used for purposes different from their former, pre-recycled purpos
When choosing and planning to recycle, it starts with what you're buying. Remembering that glass and aluminum can always be recycled is key sooo when you're at the grocery store look for versions that have glass or aluminum packaging. There is a reason reduce and reuse come before recycle.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Plastics are always tricky…
Now let's talk about our good ol friend plastic.
Plastic can never be turned back into its original form. They just keep getting smaller and smaller until they cant be recycled anymore. Typically (always check as it varies per state) plastics 1-7 can be recycled. Each time they get recycled they go down a number. So for example if you recycle a plastic #7, the new item it will turn into will be plastic #6
Each state has different recycling laws so we always want to double check with what can and cant be recycled per state & city.
What to Recycle:
All you need to do is Google your state’s/city’s recycling laws. A list of items that can be recycled should pop up. You can also google the specific item you want to recycle to see if it's able to be recycled.
It’s important to make sure you don't recycle something that actually cant be recycled because if there's something in the batch that can't be recycled, the whole batch gets thrown out, even if there are things in there that can be recycled.
When recycling, make sure to rinse your items before throwing them in the bin and always remember to check your state's recycling guidelines! Stay classy not trashy
So without further ado,
here is a list of things that CAN be recycled.
Soda cans
milk/juice containers
Pizza boxes (without the grease liner)
Egg cartons
here is a list of things that CAN’T be recycled.
mirrors/broken glass
Plastic bags
Foam plastic
Paper towels
Coffee cups
Recycling FAQ’s
Google what items you can recycle in your area
Find a spot where your recycling will be collected. Either call your city to schedule them to pick it up at your house or find a location where you can drop it off.
Find bin(s) to collect your recycled items & find a place in your home that you will remember.
Take your recycling out to the collection spot you found above.
Either Google your area and the nearest sites or your cities website. If you live in an apt or rent, ask your landlord/front desk.
Any time you can! If you have an item that is able to be recycled & a place to recycle it…why not!
Yes!! So easy and takes just as much time as throwing something away.