
Eco-anxiety, it's real. Fear about the environment, it's real. Overwhelm about the environment, it's real.

I have been getting alot of questions about how to handle all the emotions that come up when you are starting your sustainability journey. So here are some of my fav ways to manage the stress, fear, anxiety and overwhelmedness that comes up around the environment.

First off, I want to set the scene. It is my belief that our planet is here to remind us and teach us things. And to lighten the load, I like to look at the planet as Mama Earth. So role play with me here, what's Mama Earth's vibe... when you are outside in nature how do you feel. To me, Mama Earth is fun, playful, free, wise and patient. So, when I start to feel the emotions rise... I think what would Mama Earth do... or more logically how does Mama Earth handle this in nature.

Mama Earth wants us to have fun while we make changes and not be stressed while we do it. And TBH... lasting change can happen from fear, stress and panic. It happens from inspiration, love & hype.

So my tip:
1. mindset is everything... hopefully the riff above helped to reframe that a little (also DM if you wanna talk more... I am here)
2. find community to support and inspire you. look up #ecofriendly online, get out and volunteer or join a club (like Club Happy Earth). Like minded peeps will help to keep you inspired and motivated!
3. GET OUTSIDE... this helps on so many levels... but for me it helps to get out of my head, and to stay inspired for why I do what I do.
4. Turn off the phone... aka social media, the news etc... We all need a break sometimes. I am not saying don’t stay up to date... but when you feel yourself start to spiral in fear or anxiety... go walk away and do something fun. The world needs our light more than our stress... there is enough of that.


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