How To Travel with Shampoo Bars

Everything you need to know about traveling with shampoo bars 👇✨

One of my favorite parts about using shampoo and conditioner bars is that they make traveling with your hair care so much easier. There is no need to measure out how much shampoo and conditioner you need to get through TSA, there's no leakage that might happen, there's no having to buy extra plastic mini containers because it's all nice and neat in bar form!

Here's my step by step guide on how to travel with your shampoo bars

- How to store them: when going on your trip, you want to make sure they are completely dry before you leave. Then you want to put them in some sort of container so they dont get on anything. The main options are a stainless steel container, a reusable baggie, or they have silicone containers. Some of the containers have holes in them to help them air out but I didnt find that necessary, any container that you have works just as good!

- How to use: wet your shampoo bar and rub it in your hands or on your hair until it gets soapy then scrub your hair like you normally would when shampooing. For conditioner bars, get it wet and rub it against/through your hair until your hair is coated and then rinse.

- Where to keep them: If you are on vacation in a hotel room or have a bathroom to yourself, I keep them in the shower or on the sink. Anywhere where they won’t get super wet. If I am sharing a bathroom or want to keep them separate from everyone, I put one in the container and one on the lid of the container and put them on the nightstand or dresser. You want them to keep dry and away from water if you aren’t using them!

- What shampoo bar you should get: They have so many different types for different types of hair. Some brands I love are Ethique, As I Am, Package Free Shop, Zero Waste Store.

Don't forget to leave them out and let them dry before putting them back in your container to go home! 🤍


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