The Truth About Low Waste Grocery Shopping

The truth about low-waste grocery shopping… 👇✨

There is plastic everywhere. It can sometimes be really hard to shop completely plastic free. Here are my tips to shop the most low-waste possible:

* bring your own bags and containers for your groceries and your produce and your bulk! This way you dont have to use their plastic bags

* try your farmers markets first. They have more than just vegetables and supporting local is always important

* when you have to buy something and there is no plastic-free option, support brands that have a lower manufacturing impact like made local/plant-based or vegan/less processed & whole foods

* instead of picking the plastic option, opt for the glass container so you can save and reuse it.

The most important part about living more eco-friendly is trying! Even if its something small, everything helps.


No. 1 Eco Friendly Tip


Low Waste Beauty