What Is A Thrift List?

It’s no secret we LOVE thrifting! It’s a great way to reduce the amount of new clothing you buy, save perfectly good clothing from the landfill, and save money. But sometimes walking into a thrift store can seem overwhelming when all you can see if aisles and aisles of clothing.

Where do you start? What are you even looking for? How do I prevent overbuying? The last question really hits home because how many times have you walked out of a thrift store with items you aren’t even sure you like or ones that you never end up wearing OR did you accidentally spend your clothing budget on items you don’t really need. To sum it up thrifting can quickly get the best of you. That’s why we are obsessed with thrift lists!

Think of a thrift list as a mini Pinterest board meets shopping list in your notes app. Make a checklist of all of the clothing items you’re looking to find for the season or for an occasion. Then, next time you go thrifting you have a list to follow and specific items to search for. This keeps the random purchases at bay and keeps you on track.

What’s on your thrift list for this season?


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