Kale Salad

not to brag but... I GREW THIS KALE (also the bomb ass kale salad recipe that i’m addicted too as of late)

INGREDIENTS (p.s. this is a wing it measurements recipe xo)
- big-ish bowl of chopped kale
- 3 tbsp on olive oil
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tbsp dijon mustard
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- salt
- garlic powder

DIRECTIONS (the steps are very important)
- chop your kale very thinly and put in a bowl
- wash your hands
- then add olive oil and message the kale with your hands
- then add the rest of the ingredients
- message again with all the ingredients (you have to use your hands, I swear it makes it taste so much better

- grow!! or buy your kale package/plastic free
- buy your lemon package/plastic free
- bulk/refill or buy in glass containers your oil, vinegar, maple syrup, spices
- the mustard gets tricky... I have found glass jar mustard or recycle the plastic bottle :(


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