BYOC: Bring Your Own Cup

Your BYOC (bring your own cup) to the coffee shop step-to-step guide.

Why should you bring your own cup? Because you can! Most places will accept and love if you bring your own cup to cut down on the single use plastic cups they offer. A lot of coffee shops love to be sustainable and offer discounts if you BYOC. It's also a great way to get some human interaction as your guaranteed to get a compliment on the cup you brought.

Step 1: Get your cup to bring with you. Always check the size of the cup to make sure your coffee will fit into it. There is nothing worse than realizing you can only get a small coffee when you wanted a large LOL. Most places either sell reusable cups (so you can rep your fav coffee shop) or use any cup you have at home.

Step 2: Go to your fav coffee shop!

Step 3: Order your drink and then ask if they could put it in your reusable cup. Ask nicely and always flash a smile. Take the lid off and hold on to your lid and straw so they can cleany/safely put your coffee in the cup. When asking, remember, this most likely isn't the first time someone has asked them to use a reusable cup. Be confident and remember that you're supporting Mama Earth!

Step 4: Enjoy your coffee & maybe take a cute pic! Easy as that!

Now you're a BYOC pro!


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