Holistic Tips to Manage Seasonal Depression

The winter ALWAYS takes a toll on my mind and body. Living in Ohio, it's rare for the sun to come out which makes it hard to get out of bed.

Here are some of my tips and tricks to manage the seasonal depression that winter brings:

Tip #1: Happy glasses! They may sound *and look* crazy but they work wonders. These light yellow-tinted glasses help reduce sadness, depression, anxiety, and low mood through color therapy. My favorite brand is @blublox

Tip #2: Happy light! Light therapy works and it helps with sleep, mood, focus, and energy. This for sure helps with the lack of sunlight that comes with the wintertime. I got mine from Amazon!

Tip #3: Supplements! My go-to’s are vitamin D (to help with the lack of sunlight), B12, Vitamin K, and Gaba (to help with boosting mood and feeling calm. Vitamins are an amazing way to keep your hormones in balance so you can operate at your highest level!

Tip #4: Drink water. Lots and lots of water. It is so important to hydrate right when you wake up. The cold weather is super drying so staying hydrated will help you feel better overall.

Tip #5: Get outside once a day. It’s so hard because it's cold & gloomy but getting fresh air can be a nice reset and be refreshing.

Tip #6: Move your body! Getting up and being active just feel good and release some stuck energy that you may have. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, just moving your body in some way is what's important.

Tip #7: Eat nourishing foods & get lots of sleep! Fueling your body with the proper nutrients throughout the day keeps you energized, balanced, and motivated. Sleep is vital to our mental health all throughout the year,

Tip #8: Go easy on yourself and give yourself some grace. Life can be challenging but there is a win, big or small, in every day. Show yourself some love whether it's reciting daily affirmations, journaling, or even just going for a walk.




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