Low-Waste DIY Dry Shampoo


When starting your low waste living lifestyle, the one place that has an abundance of single use plastic that people don't think about is the bathroom. Everything from your toothbrush to your toilet paper, the bathroom is covered in plastic.

One of the ways I cut the plastic in the bathroom is to make my own products! Here's how to make eco-friendly dry shampoo! 👇

What You'll Need (can get everything from the bulk section):
* Arrowroot Powder
* Cocoa Powder

How to make:
* Start with your arrowroot powder and put it in a bowl. The arrowroot powder is what will absorb the grease and the moisture in your hair.
* Then add your cocoa powder until you match your hair. The darker your hair, the more cocoa powder.
* Then fill up an old/clean spice container with your mixture.
* Then work it in your hair and no more dirty hair!


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