Shifting Your Mindset

It’s our job to hold the highest vision for our planet.

What does this look like? It’s believing that things can and will change. it means that with our actions and mindset, we will make change.

When we make changes out of fear/doom/“have to” mindset... they don’t stick. but when we start to embody the joy that living in alignment with the planet brings you... thats where the real change occurs. the swaps become habits, the knowledge is spread to others, and the mindful practices create a sustainable lifestyle.

We don’t make change from fear. we don’t bring other into the movement through spreading fear. people are looking for the love. looking for the fun. looking for it to be easy. we can show them that it can be simplified. that it is playful and exciting.

Our mindset around becoming more eco-friendly is just as important as the swaps you make. when we make change with fully embodied hope and joy, the ripple is 10 times more powerful.


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Low-Waste DIY Dry Shampoo