Sustainable Fishing

the most sustainable way to eat fish is to catch it yourself. (Orrr eat local/wild caught fish)

Yah girl fishes baby & this is something I have wanted to talk about for a while. so lets talk about sustainablity around fishing, & how you can eat fish sustainably.

I have grown up around fishing in the Great Lakes (lake erie) and my bf is a pretty big fisher (subtle plug, @boyfriendwhofishes on TikTok). And I have learned so much about how to fish & eat fish sustainably. Plus we just did an interview in club happy earth with @captain_nosy , who is an Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Officer answering some of my questions.

To start off is fishing sustainable… commercial fishing is usually where the problems are but recreational fishing is actually really sustainable and important for the ecosystems.

I learned all about all of the really cool rules and regulations that have been created by state to protect the natural resources. Like in Ohio, there are only 9 commercial fishing license and there will never be another new one since they outlawed commercial fishing in Ohio. Regulating limits and licenses state by state helps to support each ecosystem with what they need. I learned all about fishing limits which are created to protect the fish and create a healthy ecosystem. Most fish you get in the grocery is usually not sustainable due farmed fishing, and the way that commercial fishing is done. Farmed/commercial fishing usually really disrupt the food chain and ecosystems.

So, yeah the most sustainable way to eat fish is to catch it yourself. But if you are not a fisher, your could ask friends and fam to hook it up. Make friends with a fisher, go on a charter boat, hot up your local farmers market or co-ops for local fish.

To learn more about sustainable fishing check out the clips in Club HE! @captain_nosy crushed it and I learned sooo much!


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