Deciphering Egg Labels

When it comes to eggs, there's so many different labels and it gets confusing when deciding which ones to buy.

My first tip: try and get your eggs from a local farmers market. Your local eggs are going to be so much better than any grocery store eggs as the chickens are treated more fairly, they are exposed to more outdoor conditions and they live a more natural life.

Now sometimes we get busy being badass lightworkers and can’t always make it to the farmers which eggs do you buy?

*I always try and buy organic eggs - that way I know the chickens aren't being fed chemicals and pesticides*

Cage-Free: these chickens are allowed to walk around the hen house and aren't in a cage but the farmers are allowed to have as many chickens as they want. Typically, there is little to no room between chickens.

Free-Range: these chickens have access to the outside but most of the time, they dont go outside and just hang out in the hen house. Always check your brand as some brands make sure their free-range chickens go outside.

Pasture-Raised: these chickens spend most of their day outside, grazing the pasture and walking around. These chickens have space to roam and generally live happy and healthier lives.

So next time when you are deciding which eggs to buy, you'll know exactly what all the labels mean. It really is a good feeling 🙌🏼🙌🏼


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